Monday, November 2, 2009

To Get Away

It has been both a smooth and unsteady transition into the city. Maybe like a continual ebb of comfort and uncertainty. Primarily, though, I have been quite glad to be here, finding myself actually pursuing the things that I had determined to in my dreams of moving.
One thing that has been difficult, and actually probably the most difficult, is my trying to stay in one place when my heart really desires to get out and explore at a moments notice, at almost every moment. Last week I decided that in order to maintain my sanity I would take the train into the mountains north of the city. This turned out to be very good for my soul, and the company of my friend Janelle only added to the greatness.
While we were in what we renamed "Quaintsville," we ate by a pond, spoke to some nuns at a convent, and walked through a yellow forest. There was a creative learning preschool in the woods where we walked, and I had an overwhelming urge to go apply for a job. Unfortunately, the school was closed for the day.

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