Friday, May 4, 2007

oh gosh.


Jacqelyn Ryan Palmer

Such a beautiful name. I wrote her a letter while I awaited the news. The queen of England arrived in Virginia (where my sister. . and now neice. .lives) today, so I told her of my excitement in such an appropriate celebration for the day of her arrival, too. Obviously it won't be anything she will be able to read soon, but I hope to write her a few letters now for when she is older. That way even though I will be almost 40, she will be my age now.

It is so exciting to think of a few years from now taking her to get ice cream, then going to a hill and rolling down it while we decide the shapes of clouds. Later I will buy her lipstick when she is just the right age, but the kind that is the pink of your lips so nobody can tell. I will tell her it is fun, but "ooh" and "aah" over her beauty with out it as well. When she laughs I will tell her never to stop, and when she cries let her know it is ok.



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