Monday, April 7, 2008

So the Brewery does have beer.

Art Walk

1. Amazing Studios
2. Amazing Art
3. Tired us

This one artist had all of these little binoculars hanging from the ceiling. They had two images in them to create a 3D image (like modern stereoviews). They were SO amazing. The idea, the images. . . amazing.

This is a friend of Tom Waits (just our guess). Those are all different percussion and horn instruments around him; a one man band. He was beyond words.

Me in 20 years.


Anonymous said...

The ghost of Hollywood definitely is a friend of mine..

willow said...

fairly good beer.

megan said...

ha. dunnno if it was. i didn't know that they actually had it, though.

sarah e. said...

YOU are beyond words.

Austin James Ranson said...

the "me in 20 years" shot is incredible.

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