Sunday, February 24, 2008


I went for a morning run, and this is what I realized.

Someday we will get old, and trendiness won't matter anymore. No longer will we want skinny jeans, vintage toned photographs and railroad tracks. We will do what we please and try to please what we do. Original will not mean new, rather classic and worn in. It will not be cool to run off to far away places and document ourselves in masks. It will not be admired to be different by being just like everyone. Hopefully what matters will have grown into something more significant than one upping of the cool factor, though I fear it will only manifest itself into another form. It is possible that I will no longer like scarves, thick framed glasses, or loafers. I only hope I remember what actually matters. I hope that I am less concerned with comparing myself of others. I hope I am more aware of the work of God.

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