Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Easy Peasy

I just made a coconut walnut chocolate bar and it was SO EASY. Three ingredients, three steps. I'm also planning on making my own tea blends. This is making me realize that being creative and making things sometimes is NOT that difficult. For this reason, I will not give into my misconceptions that I don't have enough time to make anything, or that I am too tired. Also, it makes me much more excited for cold winter days spent in my apartment, whirling things together into fun.

Another thought I just had about tea: A good black tea is very soothing to me because it reminds me of late nights talking to my mom in high school when she would make us both Lipton tea with sugar. At the time it felt so warm and comforting, but as I get older I realize that it was also probably my moms attempt to stay awake with her exhausting daughter. It's funny how your perspective changes as you grow up (and this really only makes me appreciate my mom more).
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